Agreya Coffee

About Us

Get to Know Our Story

behind our love for the experience of enjoying coffee, it all started with a dream

We Are Agreya coffee

Selamat datang di Agreya Coffee, di mana aroma kopi segar menyatu dengan ruang yang dirancang khusus untuk setiap aktivitas Anda. Sejauh mata memandang, kami bukan sekadar coffeeshop, tapi tempat di mana kegiatan Anda menemukan ruang yang sempurna. Dari pertemuan bisnis hingga sederhana bersantai dengan teman-teman, Agreya Coffee memberikan pengalaman yang melibatkan setiap indera. Cangkir kopi kami bukan hanya tentang rasa, tetapi juga mengundang Anda untuk menikmati setiap momen dengan kenyamanan dan inspirasi. Bawa buku kesayangan Anda, hadirkan laptop untuk proyek kreatif, atau nikmati percakapan yang bermakna – di Agreya Coffee, kami memahami bahwa setiap aktivitas memiliki tempatnya sendiri. Selamat mengeksplorasi, berkumpul, dan mencipta di Agreya Coffee, di mana setiap sudut adalah tempat untuk kegiatan Anda.

Welcome to Agreya Coffee, where the fresh aroma of coffee blends seamlessly with spaces designed for all your activities. As far as the eye can see, we’re not just a coffeeshop; we’re a place where your endeavors find the perfect environment. From business meetings to casual hangouts with friends, Agreya Coffee offers an engaging experience that captivates all your senses. Our coffee cups aren’t just about taste; they invite you to savor every moment with comfort and inspiration. Bring your favorite book, set up your laptop for creative projects, or enjoy meaningful conversations—At Agreya Coffee, we understand that every activity has its own space. Enjoy exploring, gathering, and creating at Agreya Coffee, where every corner is a place for your activities.

Agreya Coffee

Our Team

when experience meets passion




Dimas Nurdian


Sahal Firdaus

